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2006-07-20 - 1:52 p.m.

Gather ye mosses while ye may.

I'm home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is Travelinman's final homecoming--no more running around the world for me. I actually wrote to the administrator of this illustrious site to see about changing my diary name and username, but got no response. Gold member perks my ass. . . they can kiss the whole of it. (If'n I'd said that sentence to you aloud, how many of my shady readers would have heard '. . . the HOLE of it.' I wonder. . . ;)

I'm searching frantically for jobs--ones that allow me to stay in this fair city with a roof over my head and without starvation. I'm good on both counts for a while, fear not, but my longterm financial stability isn't looking that solid unless I find gainful employment. Why is there so much gainLESS employment for singers, huh? I could be immensely artistically fulfilled and busy as all get out without earning one penny. Sad, because so many people in this world reap huge rewards by selling their souls, bodies and minds to the Man for nothing BUT pennies. Granted, they get a huge pile of pennies, but they're still just pennies.

Speaking of the Man, he helped add me to my man's health insurance, so my coverage will continue and the biological wreckage that is my eyes will be under steady care even though I'm unemployed.

Speaking of unemployed, I just filed with the government for unemployment, which makes me feel like a slacker sucking at the overtaxed teat of society. The HR guy at my job tried to talk me out of this attitude by calling me so 'Midwestern,' but I still feel bad. I'll take the money, though. Rent's a bitch out here!

Speaking of rent, mine's about to become more worthwhile. There are tilers working their hands to the bones in my bathroom, creating a functioning and pristine lav out of thin air. Hard to believe this indoor girl lasted 7 months in an unfinished apartment, especially since the shower was a rubbly concrete pan with only a lint trap for a drain, but I did. Now, I'll have an incredibly tiny, but fully functioning shower, a mini-toilet, an even mini-er sink, and a towel bar. Life is sweet.

And speaking of sweet, let me round out this collection of 'speaking ofs' by listing the things that are sweet about this week's homecoming:

The eyes, smell, kisses, nightime cuddling, joking, cooking, muscles, witty banter, general adorableness of Joey.

Making my own strong-ass coffee by timer every morning, rather than paying Starbs exorbitant sums to do it less well.

Standing at the closet with full choice of wardrobe, rather than rummaging through an increasingly desolate suitcase interior for an acceptable outfit.

Beautiful, cool, warm, sunny, breezy, delicious weather.

Friends, yoga, the muni, H&M, movies, latenight cocktails, all manner of other things sorely missed in my absences, both this one and ones from years gone by. They say the heart grows fonder, but at some point, fondness fades to weariness and the rolling stone gets mossy from inside out. I plan to put down roots, get really good'n mossy, and be fond of that which I love without having to miss it. Appreciation of the moment, eh? Having lived the opposite for a long time now, I highly recommend it.

That's all the sunchair philosophy I can muster for today. One of my better efforts (are you sad for my brain?) I think. Love to all!


Wearing: something new for the first time in 3 weeks!
Word of the Day: mossy
What's Next: job hunting I will go

1 Chirpin' Birds

Wendell - 2006-07-31 16:37:05
Lovely post! Things sound great there. Good luck on the jorb front.... hugs, W

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