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2006-08-02 - 5:14 p.m.

The Neglected Gold Member: Musings of a hairy housewife.

First of all, thanks to those who have noticed my emergence from writers block and total blogscurity. No promises. . .

Second of all, DIARYLADND HAD BETTER WRITE BACK TO ME WHEN I SEND MAINTENANCE QUESTIONS ABOUT MY ACCOUNT!!!!!! My caps lock key is broken, so you can figure out the added pissed-offed-nessedess I must feel in order to put forth the effort of holding down space and type one-handed. AAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! Hopefully some slacker webmaster will read this and respond. To be fair, I AM being fair in my iracity. I sent 3 clear and patient messages with 'gold member' in the subject line like they ask, and no response. Sure were quick to charge my credit card when I paid for my membership. The more I learn about web design and blogging, the more amazed I am that I needed to pay many dollars to someone else to steward this ultra-simple rant page. All I want to do is change the name of my diary and my member name, and if I can't do it, y'all may have to visit another site to read this oh-so-vital text.

K, done raving like somone with too much time on his hands. Actually, I'm getting rather busy, with interviews all week (the one today was superb!), putting together programming for 2 ensembles' seasons, building my own website (don't get too excited--it's still total for those of you in the know), and the endless pursuit of a doctorate.

On that front, I'm about to be kicked out of my university!! Yes, it's true, they finally got their collective act together and started trimming the fat from the engorged roster of DMA candidates languishing on the vine. True, I had taken 3 years off and not done much of anything in pursuit of my degree, but I was not the fattiest bit of meat on the shank, let me tell you. I actually finished my coursework, did the frigging exams, and submitted a thesis proposal, all while employed FULL TIME as a singer (that's not a boast, just a 'WTF do they want from me and isn't that the ultimate goal of my degree so get off my sack?'). Now, I'm trying to register for thesis and recital credits so i can get the hell out of Dodge, and the Director of Graduate Spanking is giving me grief. He wants me to register for 2 credits of lessons concurrent with my recital prep. Never heard a word about that before, and not really possible since I live ACROSS the FUCKING COUNTRY!!! I hope that at the end of a terminal degree in vocal performance I will be considered capable of preparing a fifty minute recital program without a semester of voice lessons. . .but call me crazy.

Enough on that. I saw many of my former colleagues at a hit and run shindig last night, which was lovely. It was one of those things where I almost couldn't get it up to go, but it was in honor of a good friend who makes it into the country about once every other never and my main deterrent was my own inertia. I had a date planned with Joey and some friends, so I just stayed for an hour doing the CliffsNotes version of catching up over wine and cheeseball. After I left, I discovered our buddies had bailed, so I took my wine sodden self home to watch TV in bed with the hubby. We rented Night Watch, a freaky and totally wacky-creative vampire tale that bears repeated viewings. The art direction alone was worth my time and money. Highly recommended.

I'm listening to Elisabeth Schwarzkopf right now because I felt I was missing out on one of the giants of the 20th Century in terms of classical singing and lieder in particular. True. She was profiled in Opera News recently, and the quotes and bio tidbits they gave were fascinating. What an uncompromising and fastidious artist! I always heard that "her voice wasn't always pretty, but she was a great singer." Listening to her sing Mozart and Strauss arias, and the lieder of Schubert and Wolf, I have come to a more complete understanding of those words. Schwarzkopf's diction is the clearest and most beautiful German I've heard sung, and she sounds like a painting of every poem she sings. Hmmm. . .

I've had way, WAY too much ice cream today. . .

This is it for today's entry. Must do more research for the paper, and also must attend to my wifely duties. I underestimated the guilt of unemployment and its ability to plunge me into paroxysms of domestic servitude so I feel I'm pulling my weight. To his credit, Joe never questions me on it, but still, I'm used to a frenzy of work and busyness. Oh well, all in good time. For now, chillin'. . .


Wearing: housecoat, curlers, Dr. Scholl's orthopedic, open-toed mules
Word of the Day: Gold Member
What's Next: replacing the shower head. . . and who'm I kidding--more ice cream!

2 Chirpin' Birds

BCMS - 2006-08-17 14:02:00
I have every bit of confidence that you will overcome the guilt of not working. And of course, I'm not speaking from experience.
Wendell - 2006-08-17 17:16:28
Yay for cheeseball! Hugs, W

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